This new book by award-winning educator, author and internationally-acclaimed speaker, Chike Akua, is transforming the lives of high school and college students along with adults who were denied this information in their schooling.
Dr. John Henrik Clarke, one of our most highly respected and highly regarded scholars, remarked that great African empires, civilizations and communities were held together by two things: 'honor and obligation.'
To honor is to show deep respect. An obligation is a responsibility one has that must be fulfilled without question. So, "Honoring Our Ancestral Obligations" means that we will show deep respect to our Ancestors by the way we live our lives and that we will fulfill our responsibilities without question."
Read the book to get answers to the following questions:
Get this book and continue our people’s legacy of academic greatness!
"Tell Negro parents that they must teach their children Negro history, Negro pride and self-respect in their homes to counteract the elementary and high school education they get that holds up the superiority of the white race."