The breakthrough Film "Black Friday" brings awareness to the biggest issue of the modern day Black community... money... Black economics.
In an effort to heighten the economic awareness and financial responsibility in the African-American community, the film, Black Friday, examines how to better manage the 1.2 Trillion dollars that leaves African-American communities annually.The powerful film also champions financial literacy and the importance of leaving a financial and ethical legacy for the next generation.
The film features interviews from some of the Black community's top business leaders & celebrities including:
Get your copy of this breakthrough documentary today and watch it with your family. It will inspire you beyond words!
The film producer has released an enhanced version of the film called "Black Friday - The Remix", which contains additional footage and graphics, and is even more impacting than the original. ORDER TODAY! You will automatically be upgraded to the new version "Black Friday - The Remix".
I loved the film "Black Friday - The Remix"! Talk about higher learning? The question, "What Legacy Are You Building?" cut to my very soul. I'll never be the same again. This message is much too powerful not to share, and share it I will.
Kudos and gratitude to the Buy Black Movement for consistently offering the very best products that cause us to embrace and stand in our GREATNESS.
V. R."If you should hear of a great man or woman who is to lecture or speak in your town on any given subject and the person is an authority on the subject, always make time to go and hear him."