Afro Botanicals Neem & Sandalwood Soap

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Afro Botanicals Neem & Sandalwood Soap

$7.99 to $22.77  save up to 5%

between 1 and 3 points

Neem and sandalwood have been used in African culture for generations. Their oils have a natural earthiness which encourages the body to relax. Our Neem & Sandalwood Soap was created to ground, purify and soothe, while also providing wonderful aromas. The scent of frankincense, sandalwood and musk will melt your stress away. 

Neem oil comes from the neem tree. A 2023 study stated that *natural oils are being utilized more and more to treat skin conditions since they have fewer negative effects and are expected to provide benefits. It also states that components in neem oil *may be used as therapeutic agents in the treatment of acne.

Sandalwood essential oil comes from the wood of the sandalwood tree. It has been shown to be *anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Clinical trials using sandalwood oil have *shown promise in the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, and common warts. Sandalwood oil has naturally musky and woody scent. 

Cacao is the unrefined form of cocoa, which is used to make chocolate. Although we usually think of cacao as food, it has a surprisingly large amount of benefits for skin. A 2024 study states that cacao has *antioxidant properties. Cacao has also been shown to *significantly improve skin hydration and moisture retention. Cacao powder provides the rich coloring for this soap.

Our Neem & Sandalwood Soap encourages relaxation and grounding for the body. It contains no dyes, and its coloring comes from the cacao powder. The scent of frankincense, sandalwood and musk is both exotic yet familiar, brining you closer to the African kingdoms of old. Enjoy!

4.5 oz bar


Neem oil and skin: Kola-Mustapha AT, Raji MA, Adedeji O, Ambrose GO. Network Pharmacology and Molecular Modeling to Elucidate the Potential Mechanism of Neem Oil against Acne vulgaris. Molecules. 2023 Mar 21;28(6):2849. doi: 10.3390/molecules28062849. PMID: 36985821; PMCID: PMC10056471.

Sandalwood oil and skin: Moy RL, Levenson C. Sandalwood Album Oil as a Botanical Therapeutic in Dermatology. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2017 Oct;10(10):34-39. Epub 2017 Oct 1. PMID: 29344319; PMCID: PMC5749697.

Cacao and skin: Lee SG, Nguyen NH, Lee YI, Jung I, Kim IA, Jang H, Shin H, Lee JH. The Role of Cacao Powder in Enhancing Skin Moisture and Reducing Wrinkles: A 12-Week Clinical Trial and In Vitro Study. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2024 Nov 6;46(11):12574-12587. doi: 10.3390/cimb46110746. PMID: 39590340; PMCID: PMC11592858.

1 Bar $7.99 1 point
3 Bars (5% off) $22.77 3 points
Marcus Garvey
"Love yourself better than anybody else. All beauty is in you and not outside of you. God made you beautiful. Confine your affection to your own race and God will bless you and men will honor you."
Marcus Garvey
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