Every product in our Afro Botanicals line contains natural plants, fruits, herbs and/or oils which enhance African bodies. We aim to bring you excellent and luxurious body care products to make your pamper routine a pleasure.
AB’s Bentonite Soap
AB’s Calamine Soap
AB’s Calendula Soap
AB’s Goat Milk Soap
AB’s Luxury Body Lotion
AB’s Mango Butter Soap
AB’s Moroccan Soap
AB’s Neem & Sandalwood Soap
AB’s Oatmeal Soap
AB’s Royal Body Oil
AB’s Scented Black Soap
AB’s Triple Butter Soap
African Black Soap Bar
Black Power Soap
Black Soap Body Wash
Coconut Shea Butter
Foaming Facial Wash
Liquid Black Soap
Matcha Soap
Moringa Aloe Soap
Orange Musk Soap
Pure N' Natural Set
"Be Black, buy Black, think Black, and all else will take care of itself!"