Motherland’s Gold Moringa Ginger Tea

Motherland’s Gold Moringa Ginger Tea

Only $24.99

12 points
$22.49 $2.50 (10%) 10 points
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Enjoy the amazing benefits of Moringa Oleifera and Ginger together in this amazing, nutritious tea.

Moringa Oleifera is known as “Africa’s Miracle Tree”, and has been used for thousands of years. Some experts have claimed it is the most nutritious plant ever studied, containing more than 90 nutrients. Moringa has 7 times the vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas and 2 times the protein of yogurt. It also contains 18 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids. 

Motherland's Gold Moringa Ginger Tea Ingredients

Ginger may help to strengthen the immune system, relieve stress, reduce appetite, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar, relieve headaches, reduce menstrual cramps, relieve sore muscles, reduce nausea, reduce heartburn, reduce pain and reduce inflammation. 

Motherland's Gold Moringa Ginger Tea Cup

Steep Motherland’s Gold Moringa Ginger Tea in hot water for at least 15 minutes. The tea releases beneficial nutrients and antioxidants into the water, creating a refreshing, caffeine-free tea that could add energy and vitality to your day.

30 Tea Bags Per Container

Props not included.


Dried Moringa Oleifera Leaves, Ginger Root (Zingiber Officinale)

Pack (30 Tea Bags) $24.99 12 points
4 Customer Testimonials
J. M.

Thanks Ms. Katherine Myers for inviting me to Buy Black Movement and invest in my personal health including Motherland's Gold Moringa products. I am now at my healthiest state of my entire life. My metabolism is at its peaks. I am super excited for what this movement is doing and thanks one more time for your generosity and leadership in our community in Southern California. You are the best!

J. M.
V. W.

I can attest to the fact that Motherland's Gold Moringa Teas work wonders! My blood pressure has GREATLY Improved since drinking Motherland's Gold Moringa Teas.

P.S. The Motherland's Gold Moringa Ginger Tea is my favorite!

V. W.
N. T.

Motherland’s Gold Moringa Ginger Tea is fantastic! When I first opened the bag, the aroma filled the air with ginger. Then, I made my first cup and was like wow!!! It’s tastes perfectly smooth and I can feel the ginger in my throat. It's wonderful!

N. T.
N. W.

This Motherland’s Gold Moringa Ginger Tea is my new favorite! The ginger really comes through like a punch. Tastes great and is energizing. 

N. W.
Marcus Garvey
"To maintain a good personality and robust individuality, be sure to keep your body in proper physical condition."
Marcus Garvey
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