Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leader Powder Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder In Cup & Leaves

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder

$39.99 to $59.99

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$35.99 to $53.99 save 10% 20 to 30 points
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Experience the benefits of Africa's 'Miracle Tree of Life' Moringa Oleifera. *Its leaves have the highest concentration of nutrients in any plant ever studied by man. Moringa has 7 times the vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas and 2 times the protein of yogurt.

*Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients, minerals and 46 types of antioxidants. It also contains 18 amino acids, including the 8 essential ones that your body needs, can't make on its own, and must get from your food. With all the health benefits of Moringa, it can easily be called 'the most nutritious plant on the face of the earth'. Studies suggest are no side-effects of Moringa tree leaves which have been proven to date. At the same time, studies also suggest that Moringa can be consumed by people of all ages.

Many claim that Moringa treats over 300 body ailments and diseases. Many people taking Moringa have reported fast improvements in their general health, energy, skin, digestion, elimination, eyesight, hearing and mental clarity. Many have lost weight and reported improvements in arthritis, blood sugar levels, circulation and their immune systems. Many have also reported reduced pain, reduced swelling, reduced appetite, healthier looking skin and hair, and even reduced wrinkles.

Moringa has been used in Africa for thousands of years and was even found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Today, Moringa is handling malnutrition in Africa for thousands of Black people, as well as bringing great health to people all over the world. Click the PLAY COMMERCIAL button above and watch the short documentary about Moringa from the Discovery Health Channel.

The leaves of this amazing tree are harvested, crushed into powder, packaged, and brought to you by Motherland's Gold, who prides itself on bringing you the BEST Moringa available on the planet. The QUALITY and RESULTS achieved with Motherland's Gold Moringa, as reported by satisfied customers, are amazing and life-changing.

A half pound bag of leaf powder contains approx. 2.5 times the Moringa contained in 1 bottle of capsules. A one pound bag of leaf powder contains approx. 5 times the Moringa contained in 1 bottle of capsules.

Also, check out our:


Tea Bags

- Drops

- Value Packs

Order Motherland's Gold Moringa today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


100% Moringa Oleifera raw leaf powder

ONE-Pound Bag $59.99 30 points
HALF-Pound Bag $39.99 20 points
21 Customer Testimonials
B. L.

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder is the magic ingredient that gives my daily smoothies their super-power. I really like the idea of sprinkling this green powder in there because, not only does it add 92 different nutrients to the pot, but it doesn’t change the taste! Love it!!

B. L.
M. H.

Katherine Myers introduced me to the Buy Black Movement. She has been very supportive and helpful throughout the process. I have purchased Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder for my mom and me. I was very pleased with the professional and hassle-free service provided. Since using Motherland's Gold Moringa, I have noticed improvement in my digestive system.

Thanks again, Katherine.

M. H.
B. A.

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder gives me a great start to my day! It gives me energy and tastes great!

B. A.
D. H.

I recently pulled a muscle or something on the left side of my back/upper glute area. I took Motherland's Gold Moringa capsules for the two months and at the end of it, the pain started going away more and more. Now, in the third month, I am taking Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder and the pain is getting less and less. The only supplement I have been taking is Motherlan'ds Gold Moringa.

I am extremely pleased with this product for aiding in sustaining my health!

D. H.
C. B.

I have bought and used Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder over the past 6 months and have noticed tremendous benefits to my mood, energy, and overall health. One of the most interesting developments is that my dentist and I have noticed that my gums are starting to regenerate. As most of my habits have not changed, I can only attribute this to Motherland's Gold Moringa. I have also noticed that I have greater emotional control which is a welcomed benefit.

Motherland's Gold Moringa has become an essential part of my everyday diet.

C. B.
M. H.

I just had to post!! Motherland's Gold Moringa Raw Leaf Powder saved the day!

I developed an itchy rash that spread to most of my right arm, chest and side within a week. The regular cortisone creams made it tolerable, but wore off within about 3 hours.

I remembered reading a testimonial where another Supporter used Motherland's Gold Moringa Powder as a salve for a skin issue. I tried it and immediately felt a cooling relief everywhere my husband applied it. I left the salve on for about 2 hours each time before washing it off. It lasted for 9 hours the first day. I'm on the second day and it's been 14 hours since I had any itching!! Plus...the rash is starting to resolve. WOW!!

M. H.
V. S.

I LOVE Motherland's Gold Moringa Powder! I put it in all my cooking as well as in my anti-coronavirus hot tea mixture with Motherland's Gold Moringa and Shepherd's Harvest Soursop teas. The Motherland's Gold Moringa Powder does NOT change the taste of my food, but enhances the taste of it. I put the moringa powder inside a shaker (although I don't use salt, I want you to get the picture), therefore I can sprinkle it like salt on all of the food on my plate before eating. Delicious and nutritious!

V. S.
B. L.

Motherland's Gold Moringa is amazing!

After a double hernia surgery, I suffered with excruciating pain, which was expected. What I didn't anticipate was when my body painfully rejected the prescription medication.

In response, I began to take massive doses of Motherland's Gold Moringa & Shepherd's Harvest Muscadine Grape Skin capsules. It reduced the inflammation and relieved my pain! It also accelerated the healing process.

My Doctor was shocked. There's nothing like products made by us and for us!

B. L.
W. B.

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder has been the best addition to our family's overall health. I take it in the morning and at night (if I don't have the tea), and within minutes it seems that I naturally energized and ready to begin my day on a healthy note. I feel like I have more energy, my hair is growing faster, I am sleeping more soundly, my skin is clearing up, and I am consuming more nutrients and water because of this phenomenal product.

After two months, I went on my scale and saw with shock that I lost all of my 10 pounds of "baby fat" weight, that I had accepted after keeping it for 2.5 years. Did I mention that my nails are stronger and growing faster than ever before? On top of that, my immune system is getting a wonderful boost, everyday. Oh, and I don't feel any "sugar lows."

I primarily take it with coconut water, but sometimes with apple juice. I have even added water to it and made a paste to remove a swelling, itchy bug bite, and and even some small cuts. And, they all went away very quickly.

I am telling every Black person that I know about this product. It has changed my life!

W. B.
B. L.

I am a 12-year vegan. Overall, I feel great! However, a couple of the downsides for me has been soft fingernails and slow hair growth. I have been taking Motherland's Gold Moringa for a little over a month now. My nails have hardened up and my hair is growing again! Gotta rock that fro now y'all!

In addition to that, my brother who has been diagnosed with severe high blood pressure, ran out of medicine. He didn't realize it for 5 days. He had been taking Motherland's Gold Moringa for about 2 weeks. Normally, he would experience a spike after one day. But his pressure was normal. So he decided not to refill his prescription. I am sold forever!

B. L.
W. T.

Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder is one of those rare finds with multiple benefits. It is incredibly delicious and beautiful to look at. Sometimes I add it to fruit or veggie juices. Sometimes I mix it in with or sprinkle it atop a salads or other foods. Either way, this supernutrient power packed plant is unparalleled!

Motherland's Gold Leaf Moringa Powder gives me a fortifying feeling of well being. I nourishes my taste buds and nourishes my "whole person". It also aids in my elimination process. What a wonder!

Thank you Motherland's Gold, for this precious Moringa resource!

W. T.
L. L.

The Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder has me stepping up my game! After I used it for a short time, I noticed that it was flushing my system of impurities and it curbed my appetite for unhealthy foods. I am less hungry. Best of all, my body is getting a boost of nutrition that it needs, on another level!

I started off taking the Motherland's Gold Moringa Capsules. They were like a turbo engine to my immune system. But now that I am taking the powder directly, which is 2.5 times more of a dose, it's like nitro glycerine to my immune system!!! I feel unstoppable!!!!!!

Keep up with me!  I'm on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

L. L.
D. G.

I'm delighted that I can give my kids all eight of the essential amino acids that that they need by adding Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder to their smoothies. "It tastes good mom." Happy and healthy kids!

D. G.
T. W.

The Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder provides balance. I add a teaspoon of the powder to my juice extractions that I blend every morning. I feel balanced throughout the day, not feeling tired, and no headaches. I have been doing this for a month now and I wake up fresh in the morning without lingering weariness, pain, or stagnation. I will be ordering this great powder on a regular basis!

T. W.
L. H.

So I've been using Motherland's Gold Moringa products for a while now. I had a really bad sinus infection, with a headache and fever. I took some Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder, mixed it with warm water and drank it. Within a few hours, both my fever and headache subsided. Motherland's Gold Moringa products should be in everyone's medicine cabinet.

L. H.
N. T.

Motherland's Gold Moringa is awesome!

My tooth was hurting real badly, to the point that I was not very happy. If you have had a tooth ache you know what I mean, boy. The pain I was going through was like pulling my teeth out all at once. My head was pounding. My eyes were watery and feeling the tears of soreness. As I touched my tooth with my tongue, I was a reminded how painful it was.

What I’m about to share with you, all happened within twelve hours...

I started mixing up Motherland’s Gold Moringa Leaf Powder with water until it was a thick paste. Then I put this paste on my sore tooth, which felt strange at first. I kept applying the paste to my tooth for about six hours. Then I noticed an abscess was next to the sore tooth on the top part inside of my mouth. I continued applying Motherland’s Gold Moringa. This time, I took the Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder, put it in a spoon, put my tongue into the powder and applied it right on the abscess. I did this for about three hours. I then noticed that the abscess was getting smaller. I started feeling better, I kept on applying it, and it got smaller, and smaller. Within 12 hours, the pain, pounding of my head, the watery eyes were all gone!!!

Motherland’s Gold Moringa is an awesome product!

N. T.
E. W.

I sprained my right knee 3 months ago, and I had consistent pain in my knee ever since.  My knee had been swollen. When I would stand up, I would have to brace myself for the pain. I was walking with a limp. The doctor said I was developing arthritis in my knee. First I got a knee brace, then a walking cane.

Then, I started taking Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder. I blend 1/2 a banana in a tablespoon of the Moringa powder, with a little water, and drink it each morning.

The arthritis swelling started going down right away, and the pain started reducing as well. Then, the other day, I stood up and braced for the pain, I stumbled and caught myself only to realize the pain was GONE! I said, "Lord! I have no pain."  I couldn't believe it.  I'm walking NORMAL now.

Motherland's Gold Moringa WORKS!

E. W.
V. A.

I was first introduced Motherland's Gold Moringa last March. It gave me so much energy at the time.

So, recently, I've been preparing for 2 upcoming surgeries. I've been having inflammation, infection and pain at the surgical sites. That's when I decided to order the Motherland's Gold Moringa Leaf Powder.

So, the other day, I made three gallons of super strong green tea and added Motherland's Gold Moringa to make smoothies, and I also added it to pure juices. I fasted the first 5 days, drinking only those combinations, all day and night. It caused ALL of the discomfort to subside!!!  And also, I slept peacefully!.. and it hasn't even been 30 days!


V. A.
E. W.

I want to relate  my new experience with Motherland Gold Moringa which I had been taking for several years. During the time that you ran out of it, I could not get it any where else and after being without taking it for about a week, I found a Health Food Store that sold Organic India Moringa and bought it. I was so happy because I figured that it was the same as the Motherland's Gold brand I was taking all those years.

I began to notice my low energy level and most of all, I began to notice my hair loss, which is one of the things I adored about Motherland Gold Moringa. I was so happy when it became available again. There is a big difference between other brands of moringa and Motherland's Gold Moringa!

E. W.
V. A.

MY hair has been white and color resistant for a very long time. I have been taking Motherland's Gold Moringa for only 2 months, and now the color is closer to steel gray, as opposed to white!  That's why I never plan to run out of Motherland's Gold Moringa. I'm a Supporter and I get my shipment automatically every month because that gives me priority.

Motherland's Gold Moringa has made a difference in my body from head to toe. I got a TOTAL BODY MAKEOVER out of this bag of powder,... much more than I ever expected.

V. A.
D. M.

I love Motherland's Gold Moringa because it is so rich in nutrients that my body and mind needs... it is food for my body. Since I started taking it, I eat less, my energy levels have increased, my blood sugar is stabilizing, my blood pressure is normalizing and my mind is sharp. Best of all, it has gotten rid of the rheumatoid arthritis pain my wife was suffering from. Motherland's Gold Moringa is simply an awesome product!

D. M.
Marcus Garvey
"To maintain a good personality and robust individuality, be sure to keep your body in proper physical condition."
Marcus Garvey
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